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BØGER PÅ DANSK (svensk og norsk):

Alle tiders Rom / Lona Lerberg og Johnny Thiedecke. 1.udgave, 1.oplag. Pantheon, 2008.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Gensyn med Rom. Schultz, 1971.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Nye slentreture i Rom. Schultz, 1974.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Romerske hemmeligheder. Poul Kristensen, 1977.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Romerske motiver og stemninger. Poul Kristensen, 1978.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Romerske mærkværdigheder. Hernov, 1980.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Romerske spottefugle : de talende statuer. Kbh. Schultz, 1965.

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Slentreture i Rom. Poul Kristensens Forlag, 1984. 

Ankerfeldt, Carl: Vandringer i det antikke Rom. Schultz, 1976.

Balsdon, J.P.V.D.: Romerske kvinder. Rosenkilde og Bagger,1964.

Bay, Sv. Aage: Den første kristne kunst. Odense Universitetsforlag, 1975.

Bay, Sv. Aage: Det underjordiske Rom. Odense Universitetsforlag, 1973.

Benedictus Canonicus: En fuldstændig beskrivelse af Rom. Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 1994.

Beny, Roloff og Peter Gunn: Roms kirker. Schønberg, 1982.

Bloch, Raymond: Roms oprindelse. Hernov, 1962.

Breengaard, Carsten: Er du kristen? Gad, 1986.

Breengaard, Carsten: Kristenforfølgelser og Kristendom. Anis, 1992.

Carlsen, Jesper: The Rise and Fall of a Roman Noble Family: The Domitii Ahenobarbi 196 BC - AD 68. Odense, University Press of Southern Denmark, 2006.

Christensen, N. Birger: En sviptur til Rom. Halfdan, 2000.

Christensen, Torben: Romermagt, hedenskab og Kristendom, en kulturkamp. Gad, 1970.

Christiansen, Erik: Romerrigets historie, fra by til verdensrige og fra verdensrige til by. 4. udvide udgave af : Romersk historie. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2007.

Christiansen, Erik: Romersk historie, fra by til verdensrige og fra verdensrige til by. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 1995.

Connolly, Peter og Hazel Dodge: Athen & Rom i Antikken. Carlsen, 1998.

Cooper, J.C.: Politikens symbolleksikon. Politikens Forlag, 2. udgave, 4. oplag, 2003.

Dahl, Gunnar: Tiberius, Kejser mod sin vilje - en biografi. Oversat fra svensk af Finn Abrahamowitz. København, Høst & Søn, 1. udgave, 1.oplag, 2006.

Danske malere i Rom i det 19. århundrede. Statens Museum for Kunst, 1977.

Ekern, Simen: Roma : nye fascister, røde terrorister og drømmen om det søde liv / oversat af Steen Sohn. - 1. udgave, 1.oplag. - Rødovre : Sohn, 2013.

Elmquist, Carl Johan: Rom. Carit Andersen, 1978.

Fabricius, A.: Illustreret kirkehistorie. 2.gennemsete og forøgede udgave. Langhoff, 1900.

Fabricius Hansen, Maria: Genbrugskirker i Rom : når antik bliver til middelalder. Århus, Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2010.

Fabricius-Hansen, Maria: Ruinbilleder. Antikfascinationenes baggrunde i 1400-tallets italienske maleri. Tiderne Skifter, 1999.

Faldager, Inge og Knud Høyer: Antikke afløbssystemer. Rapport fra en studierejse til Rom, Pompeji og Ostia. 1985.

Forum Romanum. Danmarks Radio, 1987.

Fotografernes Rom 1846-1878. Thorvaldsens Museum, 1977.

Frandsen, Steen Bo: Syd for Rom. Kampen mod De Pontinske Sumpe. Århus, Sfinx, 2006.

Frandsen, Steen Bo: Det tredje Rom. Tidsskriftet Sfinx, 1991.

Freeman, Charles: Romernes verden. Gyldendal, 2. udgave, 1. oplag, 2003.

Frontinus, Sextus Julius: Roms akvædukter. Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 1986.

Grane, Leif: Kirken i historien, de første otte århundreder. Gyldendal, 1973.

Grathwol, Grethe; Inventar i byen Rom : en fotoserie. København, Borgen, 2005.

Graves, Robert: Romanerne "Jeg, Claudius" og "Claudius og Messalina"

Grimal, Pierre: Romanen "Agrippina".

Grøndahl, Anders: Magiske Rom. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 2009.

Grøndahl, Anders: Det romerske køkken. Klematis, 1994.

Gympel, Jan: Arkitekturens historie fra Antikken til i dag. Könemann, 2005.

Harder, Thomas og Hans Scheving: Glimt af Rom. Fotos af Anne Prytz Schaldemose. Gyldendal, 2009.

Harder, Thomas og Hans Scheving: Rom. Gyldendals Bogklubber, 1990. - Ny udgave, Samleren, 2000.

Harder, Thomas: Rom amore mio! : en romantisk guide til den italienske hovedstad. 1. udgave, 1. oplag. Gyldendal, 2009.

Haystrup, Helge: Kamp og sejr, oldkristne positioner. Reitzel, 1983.

Haystrup, Helge: Middelalderkirken. Fra folkevandring til Højmiddelalder. Lohses Forlag, 1976.

Helleberg, Maria: Mine romerske historier. Aschehoug, 2001.

Hintzen-Bohlen, Brigitte: Kunst & Arkitektur Rom. Könemann, 2001.

Hjortsø, Leo og Vagn Poulsen: Klassisk kunst, Rom. Gyldendal, 1963.

Hjortsø, Leo: Romerske guder og helte. Politikens Forlag, 1988.

Holsting, stig: Pilgrim i Rom. Eget forlag, 3.rev.oplag, 2005.

Hommerberg, Sigge: Rejsen til Rom. Samlerens Rejsehåndbøger, 3. udgave, 1977.

Imperium Romanum: realitet, idé, ideal. Redigeret af Otto Steen Due og Jacob Isager. Bind II: Fra middelalder til oplysningstid. Tidsskriftet Sfinx, 1993.

Ingerslev, A.: Romerstaten og de kristne. Gad, 1881.

Isager, Jacob: Bronzer i bybilledet : græsk og romersk skulptur i antikkens Rom. Odense, Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2009. (University of Southern denmark Classical Studies vol.22).

Isager, Jacob: Forum Romanum og Palatin. Odense Universitetsforlag, 1977.

Johansen, Jørgen: Gyldendals bog om pilgrimme og pilgrimsrejser. Gyldendal, 2005.

Johansen, Steen: På sporet af Jerichau i Rom : en dagbog. København, Books on Demand, cop.2007.

Jørnæs, Bjarne: Den Spanske Trappe. Bogan, 1986.

Krarup, Per: Rom. Forum, 1974.

Kyrker i Rom / Erland Lagerlöf (text), Sophie Perzell (text), Sixten Haage (ill.). Stockholm, Atlantis, 2008.

Lange, Bente: Roms farver. Kunstakademiets Forlag, (1993).

Lissner, Ivar: Romernes Kejsere. Sesam, 2.udgave, 1999.

Lund, Allan A.: I seng med romerne. Køn og sex i det antikke Rom. Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2006(i.e. 2005).

Lundin Bo: Om Rom. 6.utökade upplagan. Stockholm, Carlssons, 2005.

Lundin, Bo: Rom russin : 50 små och stora sevärdheter att hitta på egen hand. Stockholm, Carlssons, 1996.

Lydholm, Ib: De romerske Cosmater : Middelalderens familieværksteder og deres kirkeudsmykninger. - Aaarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012.

Lyngby Jepsen, Hans: Korset og nymånen : Normannerne i Syden. Gyldendal, 1986.

Magister Gregorius' beretning om Roms underværker. Tidsskriftet Sfinx, 1988.

Malaterra, Godfred: Normannernes bedrifter i Syditalien. Oversat og kommenteret af Erling Albrectsen. Odense Universitetsforlag, 1981.

Morton, H.V.: Roms fontæner. Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1973.

Morton, H.V.: Roms trylleri. Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1968.

Mulvihill, Margaret: Helgener og martyrer. Bogfabrikken Fakta, 2000.

Neergaard, Inge-Lise & Steen: Vi kom fra Danmark : danske gravsteder på den ikke-katolske kirkegård i Rom. 1. udgave, 1. oplag. S.l., Conradianum, 1998.

Nykjær, Mogens: I pavernes Rom : bybilleder, kunst og historie 1420-1870. Gyldendal, 2004.

Nykjær, Mogens: Peterskirken : historie og betydning. Gyldendal, 1999.

Nykjær, Mogens: Det Sixtinske Kapel : en verdenshistorie i Rom. -1. udgave, 1. oplag. - København : Gyldendal, 2013.

Oldenburg, Henrik: Smag på Rom. Smag&Behag's forlag Smag, 1998.

Oldenburg, Henrik: Smag på Rom i Jubelåret 2000. Smag&Behag's forlag Smag, 2000.

Olsen, Ole Askov: Glimt af et glemt Rom. Thaning & Appel, 2003.

Olsen, Ole Askov: Rom - pladsernes by. Thaning & Appel, 1996.

Pallesen, Per: Spis i Roms sidegader. 1. udgave, 1. oplag. Kbh. Thaning & Appel, s.a.

Piazza Navona - en romersk plads gennem 1900 år. Københavns Bymuseum, 1975.

Politikens kulturguide - Rom. Politikens Forlag, 2000.

Politikens visuelle guide - Rom. Politikens Forlag, 1994.

Rasmussen, Susanne William: Politikens Bog om romerne. København, Politikens Forlag, 1.udgave, 1.oplag, 2006.

Ravnbøl, Eva og Søren Rud: Romerske restauranter - romerske retter. Centrum, 2000.

Rom. Gad Explorer Guide, 1994.

Rom - den lille sorte bog : en restaurant og entertainment guide / af Erica Firpo & Christel Brenting. 1. udgave. Tram Eight Press, 2006.

Rom - en antik storby. Forlaget Sfinx, 1991.

Rom er et fortryllet bur : den gyldne epoke for skandinaviske kunstnere i Rom / redaktion: Tue Ritzau og Karen Ascani. København, Forlaget Rhodos, 1982.

Rom - Vide verden. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, - 2012. (Vide verden).

Rud, Søren og Poul Arnedal: Rom under fire øjne. Amanda, 1992.

Røjbæk, Ingolf: Roms akvareller. Mimer, 1993.

Schindler, Peter: Dage i Rom. Hirschsprungs Forlag, 1955.

Spore, Palle: Rom - en guide. Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1988.

Sueton: Romerske kejsere. Med forord af Leo Hjortsø. Thaning & Appels forlag, 1973.

Sørensen, Kurt: Kattene i Rom. Engel, 1983.

Sørensen, Kurt: Den sidste rejse til Rom. Klæbel, 1984.

Thomsen, Thomas: Dengang i Rom. Træsnit og tekst fra Illustreret Tidende 1850-1900. Mellemgaard, 2008.

Tidsskriftet Sfinx. Institut for Klassisk Arkæologi, Aarhus Universitet. - her er jævnligt artikler og temanumre om Rom. (se mere om indholdet) - besøg også Sfinx' hjemmeside, hvor der kan søges på artikler og temanumre:

Torgny, Ove: Hundra procent ROMA - en njutbar källa för sköna dagar i Rom. Skåneförlaget, 2006.

Tønsberg, Jeppe: Offentlige biblioteker i Romerriget, i det 2.århundrede e. Chr. Danmarks Biblioteksskole, 1976.

Vadnai, Susanna og Torsten Århem: Sagnenes Rom. Samleren, 1974.

Vilhelm af Apulien: Robert Guiscards Bedrifter. Oversat og kommenteret af Erling Albrectsen. Odense Universitetsforlag, 1989.

Voss, Knud: Piazza Navona. Gyldendal, 1975.

Webster, Maud: Döden i Rom : en annorlunda historisk guide till den eviga staden. Lund, Historiska Media, 2006.

Webster, Maud: Roms vatten : från antiken till idag. Lund, Historiska Media, 2005.

Ørsted, Peter: Arven fra Rom. 1. udgave, 1. oplag. København, Columbus, 2000.

Ørsted, Peter: Nero : kejser i Rom. 2. udgave, 1. oplag. Københan, Høst & Søn, 2006.

Ørsted, Peter: Romerne. Dagligliv i det romerske Imperium. Gyldendals Bogklubber, 1990.


Ancient Rome : The Archeology of the Eternal City / edited by Jon Coulston and Hozel Dodge. Oxford, Oxford University School of Archeology, 2000. (Monograph 54).

Ashby, Thomas: The Bodleian MS. of Pirro Ligorio. The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol.9. (1919), pp.170-201.

Barrett, Anthony A.: Livia : first lady of Imperial Rome. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002.

Barry, William: The Papal Monarchy from Peter to Leo The Great (67-461). Reprint. Kessinger, ?.

Barry, William: The Papal Monarchy from St.Gregory the Great to Boniface VIII (590-1303). Elibron Classics, 2005 (unabridged facsimile of the edition published in 1902). (The Story of the Nations).

Bentley, James: Philip's Rome. Geroge Philip, 1991.

Birch, Debra J.: Pilgrimage to Rome int he Middle Ages : Continuity and Change. Reprinted. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2000. ( Studies in the History of Medieval Religion).

Beyond Isabella : Secular Women Patrons of Art in Renaissance Italy / edited by Sheryl E. Reiss and David G. Wilkins. Kirksville, Missouri, Truman State University Press, 2000. (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, Volume LIV).

Birley, Anthony R.: Septimius Severus : the African Emperor. London and New York, Routledge, revised edition, paperback 1999.

Blech, Benjamin & Roy Doliner: The Sistine Secrets : unlocking the Codes in Michelangelo's defiant masterpiece. London, JR Books, 2008.

Boardman, Jonathan: Rome : a cultural and literary companion. Oxford, Signal Books, 2000, reprinted 2006. (Cities of the Imagination).

The Book of the Popes (Liber Pontificalis) / Louise Ropes Loomis. Milton Keynes UKGeneral Books, Reprint=Print on Demand, 2010. Originaludgave: New York, Columbia University Press, 1916.

Brandenburg, Hugo: Ancient churches of Rome. From the fourth to the seventh century. Tornhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2005.

Bringman, Klaus: A History of the Roman Republic. Translated by W.J. Swyth. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2007.

Brown, Peter: The cult of the saints: its rise and function in Latin Christianity. Chicago/London : University of Chicago Press, paperback edition 1982. (The Haskell Lectures on history of religions, new series, no.2).

Bussagli, Marco: Rome, Art and Architecture. Könemann, 2004.

The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome / edited by Paul Erdkamp. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians / edited by Andrew Feldherr. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Cameron, Alan: The Last Pagans of Rome. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Curran, John: Pagan city and Christian capital. Rome in the fourth century. Oxford Classical Mongraphs. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Paperback edition, 2002.

Dandelet, Thomas James: Spanish Rome 1500-1700. New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 2001,

De Bonneville, Francoise: The Book of the Bath. Thames amd Hudson, 1998.

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De Guttry, Irene: Guide to modern Rome: from 1870 until today. Edizioni De Luca, 2001.

Della Portella, Ivana: Subterranean Rome. Könemann, 2000.

Den Arend, Paul: Guide to the Jewish Ghetto in Rome : the places, the history, and the life of Roman Jews. - Haren (Holland) : VandiDesign, 2015.

Duffy, Eamon: Saints & Sinners : a History of the Popes. 3. edition. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2006.

Dyson, Stephen L.: Rome : a Living Portrait of an Ancient City. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.

Edmundson, George: The Church in Rome in the First Century. New York, Bombay and Calcutta: Longmans, Green & Co., 1913. - Historical reproduction: Bibliolife, 2010.

Faure, Gabriel: Gardens of Rome. London, Nicholas Kaye, 1960. (Les Beaux Pays).

Ferrua, Antonio: The unknown catacomb. geddes & grosset, 1991.

Gibbon's Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire. Bison Group, Reprinted, 1993.

Goldsworthy, Adrian: In the name of Rome : the men who won the Roman Empire. London, Phoenix, 2007.

Gregorovius, Ferdinand: The Tombs of the Popes : Landmarks in the History of the Papacy (1895). Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprints.

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Henneberg, Josephine von: Annibale Lippi, S. Chiara a Monte Cavallo, and the Villa Medici in Rome. --- i: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol.48, no.3 (sept.1989), pp.248-257.

Hersey, George L.: High Renaissance Art in St. Peter's and the Vatican : an interpretive guide. Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Kennett, Basil: Romae Antquae Notitia: Or The Antiquities of Rome. In Two Parts. Dublin, 1767.Facsimilie-udgave: USA, Kessinger Publishing, 2010. (Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints) (Legacy Reprint Series).

King, Cathrine E.: Renaissance Women Patrons : Wives and Widows in Italy c. 1300-1550. Manchester and New York, Manchester University Press, 1998.

Krautheimer, Richard: Rome, profile of a city, 312-1308. Princeton University Press, 1.printing with new foreword, 2000.

Lancon, Bertrand: Rome in Late Antiquity. Everyday Life and Urban Change, AD 312-609. Translated by Antonia Nevill. Edinburgh, edinburgh University Press, 2000.

Lansford, Tyler: The Latin Inscriptions of Rome : a Walking Guide. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.

The Licinian Tomb : fact or fiction? / Patrick Kragelund, Mette Moltesen, Jan Stubbe Østergaard. København, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 2003. (Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Ny Serie nr.5).

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Luciani, Roberto: St. Mary in Trastevere. Palombi, 1987.

Maas, Clifford W.: The German Community in Renaissaance Rome 1378-1523 /edited by Peter Heide. - Rom, Freiburg, Wien : Herder, 1981. - (Römische Quartalschrift, 39. Supplementsheft).

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The Miraculous Image in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance. Edited by Erik Thunø and Gerhard Wolf. (Analecta Romana Istituti Danici, Supplementum XXXV). Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2004.

Moatti, Claude: In Search of Ancient Rome. Translated from the French by Anthony Zielonka. New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1993.

Moorhead, Sam & David Stuttard: AD 410 : the year that shook Rome. London, The British Museum Press, 2010.

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Nussdorfer, Laurie: Brokers of Public Trust : Notaries in Early Modern Rome. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009.

Ordo Romanus Primus (1905) : with introduction and notes / by E.G. Cuthbert F. Atchley. London, Alexander Moring, 1905. (The Library of Liturgiology & Ecclesiology for English readers, Volume 07). - affotograferet udgave fra kessinger Publishing, 2011. (Kessinger Legacy Reprints).

Oxford Dictionary of Christian Art. Peter and Linda Murray. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004. (Oxford Paperback Reference).

Palazzo Chigi / edited by Claudio Strinati and Rossella Vodret. Milano, Electa, 2001.

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Paravicini-Bagliani, Agostino: The Pope's body. - Chicago and London : University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Partner, Peter: The Pope's men : The Papal Civil Service in the Renaissance. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990.

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The Penguin Dictionary of Classical Mythology. by Pierre Grimal. Penguin Books, 1991.

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Platner, Samuel Ball: A topographical dictionary of ancient Rome. Completed and revised by Thomas Ashby. Oxford University Press, cop. 1926.

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Rawson, Beryl: Children and Childhood in Roman Italy. Paperback edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005.

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Rüpke, Jörg: Religion of the Romans. Translated and edited by Richard Gordon. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2007.

Salzman, Michele Renee: On Roman Time : The Codex-Calendar of 354 and the Rhythms of Urban Life in Late Antiquity. Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford, University of California Press, cop.1990.

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Scotti, Rita A.: Basilica, the Splendour and the Scandal : Building St. Peter's. London, Souvenir Press, 2007.

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Seymour, Charles: Sculpture in Italy : 1400-1500. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1966. (The Pelican History of Art).

Sinclair, Geroge: Historic maps and views of Rome. New York, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2009.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Early Modern Italy, 1550-1796. Edited by John A. Marino. Oxford University Press, 2002.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, 1300-1550. Edited by John M. Najemy. Oxford University Press, 2004.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Italy in the Central Middle Ages, 1000-1300. Edited by David Abulafia. Oxford University Press, 2004.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Italy in the Early Middle Ages, 476-1000. Edited by Cristina La Rocca. Oxford University Press, 2002.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Italy in the Nineteenth Century, 1796-1900. Edited by John A. Davis. Oxford University Press, 2000.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Italy since 1945. Edited by Patrick McCarthy. Oxford University Press, 2000.

The Short Oxford History of Italy: Liberal and Fascist Italy, 1900-1945. Edited by Adrian Lyttelton. Oxford University Press, 2002.

Staccioli, Romolo Augusto: The Roads of the Romans. Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2003.

Stewart, Peter: Statues in Roman Society: Reprensentation and Response. Oxford University Press, 2003. (Oxford Studies in Ancient Culture and Presentation).

Stow, Kenneth: Theater of Acculturation : the Roman Ghetto in the Sixteenth Century. - Seattle & London : University of Washington Press, 2001.

Toner, Jerry: Popular Culture in Ancient Rome. Cambridge / Malden, Polity, 2009.

Valone, Carolyn: Architecture as a public voice for women in sixteenth-century Rome. --- i: Renaissance Studies, Vol.15, No.3.

Visser, Margaret: The geometry of love. Space, time, mystery and meaning in an ordinary church. HarperPerennial Canada, HarperCollins, 2000.

Ward-Perkins, Bryan: The Fall of Rome, and the End of Civilization. Oxford University Press, 2005.

Webb, Mathilda: The churches and catacombs of early Christian Rome. A comprehensive guide. Sussex Academic Press, 2001.

Williams, George L.: Papal Genealogy : the Families and Descendants of the Popes. Jefferson, North carolina, and London: McFarland & Company : Reprint 2004.

Wolf, Hubert: The Nuns of Sant'Ambrogo : The True Story of a Convent Scandal / Hubert Wolf. Translated by Ruth Martin. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015 (Originaltitel: Die Nonnen von Sant Ambrogio)..

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Om Pompilia Comparini:

Browning, Robert: The Ring and The Book. Kessinger Publishing, 200??.

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